Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Undercover boss channel 4

I watched the Undercover Boss Channel 4 last night on I think More 4, so I guess it was an old episode, but none the less a great programme.

This is a programme where the boss of a large company poses as a trainee and gets shown the ropes by his or her staff without them knowing the significance of what they are doing. Perhaps a bit underhand but the few episodes that I have seen have all portrayed positive outcomes for all concerned; even those that on the face of it did not deserve it! I guess that for anybody that does their job properly with a good attitude they have nothing to hide.

What really struck me with the episode last night with the CEO of Harry Ramsden’s. Marija Simovic was that to properly understand the issues associated with any job within an organisation you have to experience it. Which ever restaurant she went to she learned something about the place, both good and bad. Then in the last part of the programme we saw her recognising the staff that were doing a really good job and putting right the system and infrastructure faults that she had found.

We believe that to lead a team the leader needs to be “in the trenches” with their team and not expect their team to do anything that they are not prepared to do themselves. This is one reason why in our Kleeneze business we like to still work the catalogues to generate the retail sales. Our focus is on building a large successful team and to do that as best as we can we need to lead by example and be totally familiar with the whole retail process. The other reason that we still work the catalogues is that it is easy money! We have built a great customer base and to keep serving those customers provides them with a service that clearly they want and for the work involved is very financially (and socially) rewarding.

For more information and to see a short video check out http://www.InfinityEdge.co.uk    

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