Thursday, 12 May 2011

Get Britain Working

The Mirror has got behind The Conservative Party’s “Get Britain Working” campaign. (An interesting alliance!) This has got to be a very good cause.

In an article today in The Mirror they talk about “Thousands of part-time job opportunities up for grabs”. Two things in particular strike me about this article:-

  1. All of the part-time jobs that they refer to are paying minimum wage or close to it. So somebody working less than 30 hours a week on minimum wage really is not earning very much and has very poor prospects of any advancement. For many, that in itself is not an issue. There are hundreds of thousands of people for who an extra £100 per week would make a huge difference. However for most people working part-time hours their main consideration is flexibility of working hours.
  2. The article refers to the need for flexibility of working hours but hardly any of the jobs that they refer to offer true flexibility. On the whole the flexibility is reliant on colleagues covering for each other as the service that they are providing has fixed hours. If someone is working as a receptionist for a company that is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm, that receptionist has no flexibility to work outside of these hours. There is reference to direct selling as an option and certainly the Kleeneze opportunity has limitless flexibility, but very little else has.

We are doing what we can in the Get Britain Working campaign and for anyone that needs an opportunity that over comes the two points raised above, check out This opportunity offers potential for unlimited progression and total flexibility of hours. Let’s Get Britain Working!  

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