Monday, 11 April 2011

Benefits of Network Marketing

Benefits of Network Marketing

This is a summary of all the different benefits of Network Marketing (AKA Multi

Level Marketing, MLM, Referral Marketing)

The Income Potential

In most occupations there is a rate of pay that goes with it and only a very limited

range of earnings within that field. Normally, the only way to increase earnings is

to work longer hours. Because there is only a finite time available, there is

inevitably a limit on the hours that can be worked and therefore a ceiling on the

money that can be earned. Network Marketing works differently. In Network Marketing

there is the opportunity to leverage your time by introducing others to the

opportunity and showing them how to work effectively. The principal Co then rewards

you commensurate with the size (and structure) of the business that you have built;

a perfectly logical and ethical remuneration structure. There are no limits on how

big you build your team and therefore no limits on how big you build your income.

Passive Income

This is the income that you receive for what you have already put in place, as

opposed to being paid in direct proportion to work done. Most occupations pay

directly for completing a task. eg. If you want your car washed you agree a price

and when the car has been cleaned you pay for it. For both the customer and the

supplier that is the transaction completed in its entirety. In contrast to that we

can look at a musician who records a song and then gets paid every time someone buys

the recording or it gets played on air. There are no limits on how many recordings

will sell or for how long these royalty payments will be paid. Network Marketers get

paid in a similar way to musicians; they get paid a royalty income each month on the

volume of business created by their entire organisation. Clearly there is work to be

done to build that organisation in the first place, but once it’s built it will

continue to pay indefinitely. This passive income can be permanent and is like

indefinite sick pay, holiday pay and ultimately pension. Your successful Network

Marketing business will continue to pay you after you have stopped working it.

No Boss

In Network Marketing you are your own boss. You answer to nobody except yourself.

Clearly, anyone working in a conventional job has to do what their boss tells them.

Most conventional businesses are capital intensive and therefore are often

answerable to the bank manager. For many, being their own boss is a major benefit of

Network Marketing. This requires self-discipline but the rewards and freedom that go

with being disciplined are enormous.

Flexible working hours

You decide how long you work for and when you work. The more hours that are worked,

the quicker your business will grow, but the choice is entirely yours. It makes

sense in the early days to commit to growing your business as fast as possible to

give yourself the freedom that only a passive income can give you. However, how many

people have to suffer going to work in their office all week whilst there is

glorious sunshine outside to then have some time to themselves at the weekend when

it’s raining? In the UK it seems to be a tradition to have rain on bank holidays!

Network Marketers can choose what days they work and what days they take off.

Network Marketers don’t need to ask for time off to look after their sick child or

ask for time off to attend the children’s school sports day or Christmas concert.

Network Marketers can take their holidays out of season if they want to miss the

crowds or avoid the peak season prices.

Build it alongside current occupation

Because of the total flexibility of Network Marketing you can build your business

alongside a job or conventional business. The leverage achieved from team building

allows you to build your income to a level where you will then have the choice of

continuing to enjoy two incomes or to walk away from your job. A wonderful choice to

have! For some, their original occupation is a vocation that they don’t ever want to

give up but their Network Marketing business gives them a great deal more income

plus a great sense of security in these financially volatile times. For others their

Network Marketing business is their route to escaping the rat-race.

No experience or qualifications necessary

Most people are aged sixteen to twenty-one when they make the decisions that lead to

the direction that their working life takes. How many can say that they got it

exactly right? Because Network Marketing does not require any special qualifications

or experience, it allows anybody to change the direction of their career, at any

time. The Universities and Colleges are turning out highly qualified people that can

not get jobs because they have no working experience. Network Marketing allows

anyone to break this vicious circle. With academic qualifications seeming to be a

prerequisite for a career in the conventional corporate world, what happens to all

the hard working, ambitious intelligent non-academics? Network marketing is a truly

equal opportunity open to everyone irrespective of their qualifications, experience,

gender, race etc. What is required to succeed in building a Network Marketing

business is a good work ethic, integrity, tenacity and a willingness to learn.

Start your own business from scratch

The top 5% of earners usually run their own business; so why doesn’t everyone do it?

Most businesses require a substantial investment which requires a huge commitment

and is usually a massive risk. The investment required to start most Network

Marketing businesses is normally no more than the price of a good night out. The

overheads normally associated with a conventional business can be criplling and

often results in having to work six days a week just to pay the overheads. The

overheads of running a Networking business are next to nothing. To start your own

business you also need to have an idea; what business can you start-up and run with

the skills, contacts and financial resources that you have at your disposal? Network

Marketing is your own business and has so many advantages over a conventional


Personal Development

Nobody starts a Network Marketing business for their personal development but it is

an inevitable consequence of growing your business. You will develop confidence,

business acumen, communication skills and grow in personal stature. This is always

good for the individual concerned and hugely rewarding to help others develop in

this way.

Choose who you work with

In Network Marketing you choose who you work and spend time with. You are not

compelled to work with anyone in your upline or in your team. You choose who you

accept as your customers. It is normally advantageous to work closely with the

person that introduces you to the business (although not compulsory) so it makes

sense to join with someone that you get along with and respect.

Work from home

Having a business that you operate from home has numerous benefits; low/no

overheads, flexibility, no commuting, no rush-hour traffic, always available for

your family, tax benefits, minimal administration, no set hours. Because of the

nature of Network Marketing and working from home there are usually lots of positive

incentives like for example luxury holidays and cars to be won/earned. This compares

to a normal job environment where the incentives are more often based on putting you

under forever increasing pressure. In short; escape the rat-race.

Network Marketing offers so much to everyone that is prepared to look properly at it

with an open mind. It can be a life-changing opportunity for those that are prepared

to make the effort, and the icing on the cake can be introducing other people to the

opportunity and helping them to achieve all these benefits also. As you can see the benefits of network marketing are huge!

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