Friday, 29 April 2011

Work from home UK no fee

Does it make you sceptical when you are asked to pay to start working from home? Well, I think scepticism is a good thing provided it makes you look deeper into what you are sceptical about and not make the shutters come down.

So you are looking for work from home UK no fee opportunities? Well there are some opportunities that are totally without any fee and there are others that do require some investment.

Work from home opportunities without any fees are normally those that do not involve much cost; that may sound obvious but let me explain. If you are to start a business that requires equipment or stock to be held in your home it is normal that you will be required to pay for the cost of those materials. Once somebody has the materials in their home it is very difficult for someone else to remove those goods without the agreement of the occupant. “Possession is nine tenths of the law”.

If on the other hand you start a business that has minimal materials involved then there should be no need to pay fees. Be wary of opportunities that require you to pay “fees” when it is clear that there are no real direct costs involved with you getting started. In this scenario you have to look at whether the fee that you are required to pay is actually where the profit comes from for those that are seeking to get you involved. If you are getting equipment or materials then it is logical that you should pay for them.

For further information on an opportunity where you have the option to start with no up-front costs please visit

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

BBC2 Britain's Next Big Thing Theo Paphitis

Tonight’s BBC2 Britain’s Next Big Thing Theo Paphitis focussed mainly on the Habitat buying open day. Habitat was Founded in 1964 by Sir Terence Conran and has grown into the retail giant of today, albeit it has traded at a loss for the past five years.

Heading up the buying team was Jonathon Crawley – Director with control of a £180 million budget. Also vetting the new products and ideas was Theo Williams  - Creative Director. We saw presentations from:-

  • Stuart with his “Wingman” – Male intimate wipe! “Get Fresh – Get Lucky” revised to the more appropriate “Fresh & Fearless”.
  • Birgitt Lydum – showed her Pram Sun Shield which she is having manufactured in Sri Lanka. She’s actually bought 1500 of her  “Baby Beamers”  without an single order! The pressures on!
  • Laura Wellington – Designer of the Hula Lamp made from off-cuts of Perspex – only ever sold nine lamps so far but got through to the next round.
  • Russ Leith – presented his “Ledge” which has been 15 years in the making and cost him £19,000 so far…. for a one legged shelf to lean in the corner! But hey he was invited back!
  • Debbie Evershed – had some technical issues with her Frog Bracket. Habitat needed to know the safe working load that her bracket could take. Although Debbie made the valid point that nobody will ever weigh their bird feeders or hanging baskets Habitat just need to cover their backside!
  • Steve Robinson – A dyslexic guy (Like Theo Paphitis) – makes one off pieces of furniture. Now looking for a more mass market outlet as the bespoke furniture market dried up in current economic downturn.
  • Jenny Roger – Had the great idea of a Personalised Door Mat – rejected after it came apart when the buyer wiped his feet on it; a bit of a flaw!
  • Elaine Armstrong (Mother of 4) presented what looked like a skateboard with a slot in it to drag the kids on their bikes home when they get tired! Strange!

At the Liberty open day Michelle Alger – Buying Manager-Home took a liking to Stephen Morgan and Robin Shannon’s flat lamps. Prices started out at £1200 each but subsequently came down to £195 for the smallest model through to £900 for the biggest. It was looking good for a possible order for 1 Floor Lamp at£900 and 8 small ones for trial.

What about the strange Modular Spinning seat; an interesting product in the right environment. Or those £85 Wobbly stools.

Katherine’s rather expensive ceramics at £145 they liked but was too dear. She got through to next round in anticipation that prices would drop dramatically as production numbers went up.

Ten designers went through to the next round and it expected that £1million will be spent on these new products in due course.

A nice one-liner for Theo Paphitis: “Retail is Detail”

Interestingly Theo said on The One Show tonight that he is aware of many very successful entrepreneurs that are dyslexic like him and thinks maybe that is because they find getting qualifications and jobs harder than for most, so they have to be entrepreneurial.

We saw lots of great ideas and new products tonight but clearly many will not be commercially viable. So what can budding entrepreneurs do when they don’t have any ground-breaking ideas, designs or inventions? Check out for further information.

Working From Home Opportunities UK

There are numerous Working From Home Opportunities UK to choose from. It can however be a minefield sorting the wheat from the chaff. There are some good ones and there are some illegal scams and there are those that have a very short track record and not much to base a judgement on.

Most Working From Home Opportunities UK fall into one of three categories:-

  1. Envelope stuffing or simple assembly work.
  2. Sales Agents.
  3. Multi Level Marketing (AKA Network Marketing or MLM)

  1. Stuffing envelopes or performing as simple assembly job at home may be ok for those that want to earn a very modest extra income and are happy doing a highly repetitive task. There are some legitimate opportunities for this type of work available. Beware of claims that you can earn a lot money doing this. Why would anyone pay a lot to have envelopes stuffed? Also, we have heard of organisations that will find fault with the work that you have done and refuse to pay out.
  2. Being a self-employed sales agent based from home can be good for people that really can sell and are happy to not be paid for holidays, sickness etc.
  3. Multi-level marketing is an opportunity to be self employed, based from home with the support and training of a large Company and network organisation. With the right Company money can be earned immediately and through building an organisation a passive income will pay you when you are unable to work through sickness or you choose to not work for a holiday and ultimately as a pension.

For further information on the opportunity that has provided us with a substantial income for over a decade please visit

Friday, 22 April 2011

Best Work From Home Business

If you are looking for the Best Work From Home Business there are a number of things to consider.

Perhaps the most important consideration should be to get some real evidence that what you are considering starting actually works! There are many schemes and scams that must be avoided and a number of good ethical proven opportunities too. So how do you tell the good opportunity from the scam?

Does the principal Company belong to any professional body? A good example would be the Direct Selling Association (DSA). This body has a code of conduct that members have to abide by which should ensure that the company operates professionally and ethically. Check with the DSA directly to see if a company that is claiming to be a member actually is. Membership of a professional body such as the DSA doesn’t guarantee that it’s a good Company but is a good sign if other things check out positively.

Is the Company endorsed by any significant third parties, such as the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). Check with that organisation directly to see if they really do endorse anyone them.

If you are looking at joining a scheme via an existing member check out their credentials as well as the Company. Are they established in the business? Are they being successful themselves? To be successful yourself it is best to join with someone that is already being successful. You don’t want to a victim of “the blind leading the blind”.

We believe in our Kleeneze business in providing documentary evidence of earnings and documentary evidence of turnover. Because it is possible for any Company to do this we would advise caution if speaking with a Company that makes claims of what can be earned but doesn’t back that up with any evidence. If claims of earnings are made, ask for evidence. If it’s not forthcoming ask yourself why.

These are just a few pointers to consider when looking for the best work from home business and we recommend you are thorough in your due diligence. For more information please visit

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Home Business Opportunities UK

Finding the right opportunity amongst Home Business Opportunities UK was something that had always appealed to us. It was around twelve years ago now that research began in order to find the right home based business opportunity. It all began really with being made redundant and never wishing to ever be in that position again, and really aspiring to becoming our own boss and answering to absolutely no one else. Not ever having the threat of redundancy again was important to us, so with this in mind we went to work on finding the right company that could offer all we were looking for in a home based business opportunity.

What was of paramount importance to us was that the company was stable and preferably British as we became aware that numerous foreign companies entered the UK market and then after a short time withdrew. What track record did it have? Has it traded in profit year on year? What help and support was available? Was there proof of earnings and turnover? Was the company cash rich and secure? Was it ethical?

We soon learnt that all of the above and more were available and there was hard evidence to back this up.

If you have been looking for a Home Business Opportunities UK and would like to find out some more information click here for further free details.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Legitimate Work From Home Jobs Uk

For an enviable lifestyle, find Legitimate Work From Home Jobs UK. Have no set hours, eliminate commuting and answer only to yourself. Working from home really can give you a far better lifestyle that going out to work for an employer.

There are numerous legitimate opportunities available and equally there are many that are rather less than legitimate! How do you tell the difference? Let’s look at some things to consider:-

Is it a UK based company? If it is UK based it is easier to check it out and it will certainly come under UK law. If it is not UK based it may still be legitimate but it’s not so easy establish whether it is or not.

Is it a well established company? If the company has been around for a long time it is likely to be legitimate because otherwise it would have been shut down. Young companies may well be legitimate also, it’s just that a fledgling company doesn’t have the track record to support this.

Does the company belong to any governing bodies or trade associations etc? For example if a company is a member of the Direct Selling Association it must comply with their code of conduct. If a company is claiming to be associated with any respected organisations always check that they actually are, with that third party directly.

Check with Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading to see if they can report on any wrong doings by the company. If they don’t know of them there is a good chance that they are legitimate, but of course this is not a guarantee.

Finally do your own research to find others that are involved and speak with them. Try and ascertain whether they have any complaints about the company and the way it operates. If they do have issues try and identify specifics and don’t be put off by those that are dissatisfied not with the company but with their own abilities or motivation.

Doing legitimate work from home can be hugely rewarding both financially and in terms of the freedom and lifestyle that only working from home can offer.

For further information on Legitimate Work From Home Jobs Uk you may like to take a look at

Thursday, 14 April 2011

How Can I Grow My MLM Business

This article is intended to help people that are asking themselves the question; How Can I Grow My MLM Business? To do this we must understand the significance of consistent effort and how it can impact of the results achieved. These principals also avoid the need for an excessively intense work at any given time.

As children I’m sure most of us would all have heard Aesop’s famous fable about the race between the hare and the tortoise. The tortoise plodded on and on while the hare ran off in front and was so far ahead he lay down and went to sleep just to show his contempt for the tortoise. The hare woke up just in time to see the tortoise crossing the finishing line and the hare lost the race. The moral of the story: slow and steady wins the race.

The principal of slow and steady also applies to our home base businesses. Perhaps I should define “slow”. In this context slow really means a rate of working that can be maintained over a long period. It’s the difference between sprinting and jogging. Even top athletes can’t maintain a sprint for more that a few seconds but many people can jog for many minutes or even hours. For some, jogging might be a bit of a stretch and for them their “slow” might be walking. We all have different rates at which we are capable of working and we each need to identify what is the right pace for each of us.

Using this same running/walking analogy it is clear that some people are simply not capable of sprinting at all. On the other hand nearly everyone can jog or walk. Arguably there are some that are not mobile in that way, but they too would have their own means of mobility and their own pace.

The fact is that what any of us lack in outright speed we can make up with endurance. The key to successfully winning the home-based-business race is having the self-discipline to do what we know needs to done each and every day. If we lack the discipline to do something until we have the motivation we will get behind with what we need to do. Then we get the motivation and go tearing off like the proverbial hare again; much better to work at our chosen pace consistently.  

Of course running a business from home is not quite the same as running a race. To operate professionally and provide a good service there are many things that need to be done promptly and if they are not done consistently then the service will suffer. For example if someone is trying to contact us with an order or with a view to joining our opportunity, if we don’t deal with that enquiry for a few days they are likely to have gone elsewhere.

So in summary, working consistently not only reduces the peak rate at which we have to work, it also improves the service that we provide. For details of a MLM business that has excelled through the consistent application of a simple system click here.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Increase the Profits in my MLM Business

Most people in a Multi Level Marketing business ask themselves frequently how can I Increase the Profits in my MLM Business?  This article explains a very simple way that many people with a Multi Level Marketing business can instantly increase their profits. Most people that could do this are not doing so.

This is one of those articles which may make your eyes glaze over within ten seconds of seeing what this is about, but bear with me because it could save you a lot of money and is amazingly simple to do. So please commit to read to the end, unless you prefer to pay more money than you need to HM Revenue & Customs!

 I am not an accountant so I am not the expert on this subject and before doing anything I advise you to take professional advice. I want to briefly explain a concept that most people in Multi Level Marketing do not consider. Also, while I believe this will apply to most MLM businesses, this may not apply to every network and may depend on all sorts of variables.

 Firstly let us clear up one popular misconception; while there is a threshold over which we must register for VAT, anyone, even those below this threshold has the option to register for VAT. If you want to you can register for VAT the day that you start your business.

 Most conventional businesses supplying the consumer market want to avoid registering for VAT until they reach that threshold because it would mean that they would have to charge their customers VAT which they don't do if they are not VAT registered. For example a Painter & Decorator that is not VAT registered can effectively charge their customer significantly less than their competitor that is VAT registered.

 In most MLM businesses the scenario above does not apply: all distributors, whether VAT registered or not are charging their customers the same and that price normally includes VAT. The difference between the VAT registered Distributor and the non-VAT registered distributor is that the distributor that is registered for VAT can claim back the VAT that they pay on their legitimate business expenses.

 Actually how it works may vary from one Company to another but as we all come under the same laws (in the UK), the principles should still apply.

 When you are not VAT registered, you still collect the VAT from your customers and then pay that to the Company who then pay that to HMRC.

 When you are VAT registered (this is how it works with our particular business) you still collect the VAT from your customers and still pay it to the Company. Then, the Company will pay you the VAT on the products and services that you have supplied each period and you then pay that to HMRC, minus the VAT that you have paid on your business expenses.

 The attention to detail with your record keeping could put you off from registering for VAT but even that is not the challenge that you might expect when you register for flat-rate VAT. Flat rate VAT is incredibly simple to work with and the administration time for me is about thirty minutes every three months. Time well spent.

So, I hope that if you are not already VAT registered you make enquiries with your Company about how it would work with them and seek advice from an accountant on the suitability of registering yourself for VAT and for flat rate VAT specifically. For more information on our VAT registered business click here.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Tonight's Britain's Next Big Thing BBC2 12th April 2011 with Theo Paphitis

Great first programme tonight. Tonight's Britain’s Next Big Thing BBC2 12th April 2011 with Theo Paphitis Following budding entrepreneurs striving to get their products to market. Amongst those pitching to Liberty's buyers, at the London event were

Wendy Murray and Sharon Pringle showing their scarves,

Charlotte Sales showcasing her beautiful hand made glassware,

Richard Weston showed his unique prints with designs from scans of all different minerals,

Stephen Morgan and Robin Shannon of Show & Tell Design demonstrated their unique lamps.

Sisters Maria & Sophie Law showed a selection of their young girls sports bras

Tom Hopkins Gibson showed his selection of hand crafted bowls made from driftwood

All in all there were an estimated 600 hopefuls pitching to buyers Julie Hanson, Yasmin, Eleanor, and Alexandria amongst many others for the opportunity to get to the second round and pitch directly to Ed Burstell, the Buying Director.

For those that Liberty's are interested in doing business with, next week we will see how they fare when the Liberty buyers visit their potential suppliers business premises.

Also, next week we will see a similar process of entrepreneurs pitching to Boots at their Nottingham HQ.  The Boots buying team with Annabel Franks, Alison Atkinson and colleagues hold huge power as they buy on behalf of 2500 high street stores and could buy the products that will create £30 to 40 million of sales.

Exciting times for these people that have the ideas, facilities and courage to get their products to market. For others that don't have the ideas there is still an opportunity to develop their own business: visit for further information and the opportunity to start a business of your own.

Theo Paphitis Britain's Next Big Thing BBC2 12th April 2011

Tonight 12th April at 8.00 o’clock we see the first showing of the new series Theo Paphitis Britain’s Next Big Thing BBC2.

We are expecting this to be a great education for both those in “The Buying Game” and those in “The Selling Game”.

We will see Theo Paphitis of Dragon’s Den fame give a number of budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to make their pitch to three of the Britain’s top retailers. The first “buyer” will be Ed Burstell, the Buying Director of high street giant, “Liberty” while elsewhere Boots the Chemist are looking to develop their health and beauty range with an open day at their Nottingham HQ, and Habitat are on the look out for their Next Big Thing.

Pitching their wares (amongst others) are Tom Hopkins-Gibson a former carpenter from Scotland, Richard Weston who is diversifying from his background as Professor of Architecture to present his unique silk scarves and Charlotte Sale with her glass blowing talents.

How many potential entrepreneurs are just frustrated with lack of finance to get their ideas to market or just don’t know what they can do to build a profitable business of their own? For many there could be a solution for them at where an opportunity exists for budding entrepreneurs to get started on their business building ambitions.

Monday, 11 April 2011

How to Make Time for A Multi Level Marketing Business

So often people want to start a home based business but just cannot see How to Make Time for A Multi Level Marketing Business and fit it in around their other commitments. This article is intended to help people to find the time that they need.

I’d like to start by saying that the most important aspect of making time is having the genuine desire to do so. If you are looking to make time this article will help you. If you are actually looking to prove that you don’t have time, then this article won’t help you. The old expression “Where there is a will, there is a way” springs to mind.

Let’s look at someone that really is very busy. They work twelve hours a day for six days a week. They take eight hours a night to sleep and they need two hours a day for washing, dressing, household chores and for preparing and eating their meals. Pretty busy huh? Well what do you think they could do with the remaining twenty-six hours a week?

Everyone has 168 hours a week and everyone can choose to spend their time however they wish. It’s important to accept this fact; we can all choose what we do with our time. I understand that we all have responsibilities to other people, particularly our families. All parents will feel obliged to get their children to school on time and feel that they have no choice in this matter. However, most parents would choose to be responsible and take their children to school on time, while a few irresponsible parents would choose to neglect this responsibility. Others might choose to pay someone else to take their children to school. So you can see that even for something apparently fixed liked taking the children school, there are various options that we can choose from.

The biggest eye-opener will be keeping a log of how you spend your time currently. Count every minute for just a day or two and by the end of the week you will already be doing things differently. Research in the UK has found that the average time spent watching TV is 2 hours and 37 minutes per day, totalling over 18 hours per week.

So where can we find time to build our Multi Level Marketing business? Here are a few ideas:-

Reduce the time spent in front of the TV – could you save an hour per day?

Reduce the time sleeping – we may like eight hours sleep, but we don’t need it. Try seven hours a night. That lunch hour at work could be used productively. How about using forty minutes of the hour for your own business?

If these three things were implemented that would provide over seventeen hours a week to build your business and that is just little pockets of time that all mounts up. If someone is working 5 days a week, with the weekends off, this still leaves Saturday and Sunday free apart from 2 hours a day working their business.

For the more committed they could save two hours of  TV time per day,  one and a half hours sleep per day and work an additional eight hours per day on Saturday and Sunday. This person would then have over forty hours per week to devote to their business. Full time hours for just a few months or years, to then have the freedom to quit their full time job.

They may be sacrificing time with the family, time with friends and time relaxing, but that will always be their choice. It’s also vital to keep focussed on the time freedom that will become available to those that choose to build a successful Multi Level Marketing business.  Those that choose to do this will be working hard for a few years so that they can then choose to either enjoy the extra income or leave their job.

It’s important to acknowledge that to start a new venture will take time and therefore something has to be sacrificed in order to make that time. Thinking otherwise would be delusional. Importantly, those that want to find the time to build their own business, will.

To find out more about the £million p.a. business that we built part-time around a full-time job just leave your name and email address at

What is Pyramid Selling?

We would like to start by saying that we are not associated in anyway with any pyramid scheme. This article explains the schemes that became known as “Pyramid Selling” which is a term that most people have heard of and yet few people understand. This article is intended to explain what is pyramid selling and also what is not a pyramid scheme.

There are fundamentally two types of  scheme that fall into the “Pyramid Scheme” category and both will be explained but before that let’s look at a couple of things that are not Pyramid schemes.

It’s a popular misconception that any organisation where one person has several others “reporting” to them and they in turn have others reporting to them, who have others reporting to them etc is thought to be a pyramid. Well, this is the fundamental structure of a pyramid scheme, but it is also the fundamental structure of most large bodies of people. Examples of this would be most conventionally run companies with a Chief Executive, who has their board of directors, who in turn will have several managers reporting to them, and the managers will have their supervisors and the supervisors will have their teams. The Army, the Police, the Goverment are all of a similar structure, even our own families!

It’s also a common misunderstanding that any marketing or sales team that is encouraged to recruit others into the team is a pyramid scheme. Clearly this is not the case; this type of organisation, commonly known as “Network Marketing” or “Multi Level Marketing” (MLM) is a very efficient and effective method of distribution operated by many respected, long established and highly successful companies.

Pyramid schemes are illegal in most countries and are certainly unethical wherever they are. Let us look at the two types of Pyramid scheme in turn:-

Pyramid scheme 1.

This is where the person or company at the top of the pyramid sources a product and then recruits others to buy stock which they are told to sell at a marked up price to other people that they are to recruit themselves. This second level and all subsequent levels are told to do the same. i.e. mark the price up to ensure that they make a profit and then sell it to others who mark it up to sell to others and so on. The problem with this scheme is that there are no consumers of the product and the product is getting increasingly expensive the further down the organisation it goes. The net result is that there will always be lots of people left with a garage full of stock that is so expensive they can’t sell it. With this type of scheme where there are no genuine consumers there will always be a lot of  people losing money. Fortunately these product based schemes have largely died out as they are illegal.

Pyramid Scheme 2.

This is where people join the scheme and then get paid for getting others to join the scheme. They recruit others on the promise that when the new joiner recruits others them self, they too will be making money. The key to whether this is defined as a pyramid scheme or not depends on whether there is a product or service involved. If people are joining an organisation for the products or services that it offers and they are pleased with the value that they are getting from those products or services, it is logical for those people to invite others to get involved too. That is fine and there are many commercial organisations that work this way. Where it becomes a “Pyramid Scheme” is where there is no product or service and people are only joining on the promise of being able to make money themselves from just recruiting others. To get around this it has been known for companies to offer a “service” for the joining fee which bares no relation to the cost. For example the service may be that they will add you to a mailing list and then your monthly subscription charge will be to maintain that mailing list and send you a newsletter; hardly a product or service! This scheme is clearly devised to get around the legal requirement of offering a product or service and where that product or service is so minimal and overpriced it clearly falls into the Pyramid Scheme category. These illegal schemes should not be confused with ethical legal businesses that are offering genuine products or services.

So in summary a pyramid scheme is identified not by its organisational structure, but by whether a genuine product or service is involved, and not just an opportunity to get paid for recruiting others. For details of what is certainly NOT a pyramid scheme check out

Benefits of Network Marketing

Benefits of Network Marketing

This is a summary of all the different benefits of Network Marketing (AKA Multi

Level Marketing, MLM, Referral Marketing)

The Income Potential

In most occupations there is a rate of pay that goes with it and only a very limited

range of earnings within that field. Normally, the only way to increase earnings is

to work longer hours. Because there is only a finite time available, there is

inevitably a limit on the hours that can be worked and therefore a ceiling on the

money that can be earned. Network Marketing works differently. In Network Marketing

there is the opportunity to leverage your time by introducing others to the

opportunity and showing them how to work effectively. The principal Co then rewards

you commensurate with the size (and structure) of the business that you have built;

a perfectly logical and ethical remuneration structure. There are no limits on how

big you build your team and therefore no limits on how big you build your income.

Passive Income

This is the income that you receive for what you have already put in place, as

opposed to being paid in direct proportion to work done. Most occupations pay

directly for completing a task. eg. If you want your car washed you agree a price

and when the car has been cleaned you pay for it. For both the customer and the

supplier that is the transaction completed in its entirety. In contrast to that we

can look at a musician who records a song and then gets paid every time someone buys

the recording or it gets played on air. There are no limits on how many recordings

will sell or for how long these royalty payments will be paid. Network Marketers get

paid in a similar way to musicians; they get paid a royalty income each month on the

volume of business created by their entire organisation. Clearly there is work to be

done to build that organisation in the first place, but once it’s built it will

continue to pay indefinitely. This passive income can be permanent and is like

indefinite sick pay, holiday pay and ultimately pension. Your successful Network

Marketing business will continue to pay you after you have stopped working it.

No Boss

In Network Marketing you are your own boss. You answer to nobody except yourself.

Clearly, anyone working in a conventional job has to do what their boss tells them.

Most conventional businesses are capital intensive and therefore are often

answerable to the bank manager. For many, being their own boss is a major benefit of

Network Marketing. This requires self-discipline but the rewards and freedom that go

with being disciplined are enormous.

Flexible working hours

You decide how long you work for and when you work. The more hours that are worked,

the quicker your business will grow, but the choice is entirely yours. It makes

sense in the early days to commit to growing your business as fast as possible to

give yourself the freedom that only a passive income can give you. However, how many

people have to suffer going to work in their office all week whilst there is

glorious sunshine outside to then have some time to themselves at the weekend when

it’s raining? In the UK it seems to be a tradition to have rain on bank holidays!

Network Marketers can choose what days they work and what days they take off.

Network Marketers don’t need to ask for time off to look after their sick child or

ask for time off to attend the children’s school sports day or Christmas concert.

Network Marketers can take their holidays out of season if they want to miss the

crowds or avoid the peak season prices.

Build it alongside current occupation

Because of the total flexibility of Network Marketing you can build your business

alongside a job or conventional business. The leverage achieved from team building

allows you to build your income to a level where you will then have the choice of

continuing to enjoy two incomes or to walk away from your job. A wonderful choice to

have! For some, their original occupation is a vocation that they don’t ever want to

give up but their Network Marketing business gives them a great deal more income

plus a great sense of security in these financially volatile times. For others their

Network Marketing business is their route to escaping the rat-race.

No experience or qualifications necessary

Most people are aged sixteen to twenty-one when they make the decisions that lead to

the direction that their working life takes. How many can say that they got it

exactly right? Because Network Marketing does not require any special qualifications

or experience, it allows anybody to change the direction of their career, at any

time. The Universities and Colleges are turning out highly qualified people that can

not get jobs because they have no working experience. Network Marketing allows

anyone to break this vicious circle. With academic qualifications seeming to be a

prerequisite for a career in the conventional corporate world, what happens to all

the hard working, ambitious intelligent non-academics? Network marketing is a truly

equal opportunity open to everyone irrespective of their qualifications, experience,

gender, race etc. What is required to succeed in building a Network Marketing

business is a good work ethic, integrity, tenacity and a willingness to learn.

Start your own business from scratch

The top 5% of earners usually run their own business; so why doesn’t everyone do it?

Most businesses require a substantial investment which requires a huge commitment

and is usually a massive risk. The investment required to start most Network

Marketing businesses is normally no more than the price of a good night out. The

overheads normally associated with a conventional business can be criplling and

often results in having to work six days a week just to pay the overheads. The

overheads of running a Networking business are next to nothing. To start your own

business you also need to have an idea; what business can you start-up and run with

the skills, contacts and financial resources that you have at your disposal? Network

Marketing is your own business and has so many advantages over a conventional


Personal Development

Nobody starts a Network Marketing business for their personal development but it is

an inevitable consequence of growing your business. You will develop confidence,

business acumen, communication skills and grow in personal stature. This is always

good for the individual concerned and hugely rewarding to help others develop in

this way.

Choose who you work with

In Network Marketing you choose who you work and spend time with. You are not

compelled to work with anyone in your upline or in your team. You choose who you

accept as your customers. It is normally advantageous to work closely with the

person that introduces you to the business (although not compulsory) so it makes

sense to join with someone that you get along with and respect.

Work from home

Having a business that you operate from home has numerous benefits; low/no

overheads, flexibility, no commuting, no rush-hour traffic, always available for

your family, tax benefits, minimal administration, no set hours. Because of the

nature of Network Marketing and working from home there are usually lots of positive

incentives like for example luxury holidays and cars to be won/earned. This compares

to a normal job environment where the incentives are more often based on putting you

under forever increasing pressure. In short; escape the rat-race.

Network Marketing offers so much to everyone that is prepared to look properly at it

with an open mind. It can be a life-changing opportunity for those that are prepared

to make the effort, and the icing on the cake can be introducing other people to the

opportunity and helping them to achieve all these benefits also. As you can see the benefits of network marketing are huge!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Commonest Objection to an MLM Business

The Commonest Objection to an MLM Business simply is not true. This article explains why.

Most MLM businesses can be started for an investment of anywhere between £100 to £300. So, do you honestly believe that anyone living in the western world cannot raise £300 if they really want to? If you are thinking “well I know people that couldn’t raise £300” then you are already beaten when it comes to dealing with this objection. We have to get past this belief to be able to deal with the objection. Don’t get me wrong, people that are truly financially challenged will have to be more proactive in raising the investment, but if they want to, they will. Let me ask you a question: If those same hard-up people had to raise £5,000 for a lifesaving operation for a loved one, or let them die, would they or would they not raise the £5,000? Do you honestly think that they would let a loved one die for the sake of £5,000? Of course not! When the choice is clear; raise £5,000 or let a loved one die, then they will raise the £5,000 somehow. They have a very strong and very personal reason. So if we can believe that anyone faced with such a dramatic choice as this can raise £5,000 surely we can believe that the choice between financial ruin or financial security will be worth £300 to them? Our challenge is helping them to see the value of our opportunity and how it can have a massively positive effect on their situation. If we do not believe that they can afford the small initial investment, we would give up trying to help them to see what our opportunity can do for them.

How many prospects have we met that say they cannot afford the initial investment and yet they have the latest mobile phone, drive a nice car and have the latest TV and associated electronic wizardry. This is not a criticism of them having nice things in any way; it’s just to highlight how they prioritise spending their money. With the right MLM business and certainly with our  business we would expect anyone to be back in profit, after recouping their initial investment, within two or three weeks of getting started. So even if you doubt someone having a couple of hundred pounds, surely everyone can believe that they can borrow the money for three weeks. Most people paying bills monthly could use the money that they have for their bills to start their MLM business and then two or three weeks later pay the bills anyway and then never have the problem of paying their bills ever again. Now to some this may sound like a risky strategy but I have total confidence in the business to know that the only risk with this strategy lies entirely in their hands. If they do the simple things that we advise them to do it will work. Many MLM businesses require months if not years to break even and many require further investment, not just the initial investment in which case this would not be appropriate.

I would never suggest to prospects that they sell anything in particular, but why not suggest that they have a boot sale or sell some unwanted things on eBay. I firmly believe that our business can be their saviour and therefore believe that “where there is a will, there is a way” and sometimes we as business builders may have to help some people to see there “way”. For further details take a look at

Why Focusing On One MLM Works Best.

This article explains why focussing on one MLM works best and will always be much better than trying to work several at once.

1. If we all accept that focussing all of our attention on one thing, maximises our effect on it, it stands to reason that when we try and focus on two things, then by definition we have diluted our focus by fifty percent. We would not expect to be able to start a fire in the sunshine with a magnifying glass if we didn’t get the hotspot totally in focus; so we can hardly expect to set our business alight without complete focus either. A jockey has never won a race riding two horses!

2. Let’s look at the numbers. For the sake of demonstrating this point let’s assume that we sponsor 2 people per month and everyone that we introduce will duplicate what we do. I know that’s a gross simplification but this will still demonstrate the point. So when we focus on one opportunity your team will grow like this:-

At the end of Period 1 you will have 2 new team members; 3 including yourself.

Period 2 all 3 of you will have sponsored 2 each giving you a total team of 9

Period 3 all 9 of you will have sponsored 2 each giving you a total team of 27

Period 4 all 27 of you will have sponsored 2 each giving you a total team of 81

Period 5 all 81 of you will have sponsored 2 each giving you a total team of 243

Period 6 all 243 of you will have sponsored 2 each giving you a total team of 729

And so on.

Let’s have a look at what happens when we continue to sponsor two people per month but now one goes into one of our businesses and the other one goes into our other business. We will now have two businesses that grow like this:-

At the end of Period 1 you will have 1 new team members; 2 including yourself.

Period 2 both of you will have sponsored 1 each giving you a total team of 4

Period 3 all 4 of you will have sponsored 1 each giving you a total team of 8

Period 4 all 8 of you will have sponsored 1 each giving you a total team of 16

Period 5 all 16 of you will have sponsored 1 each giving you a total team of 32

Period 6 all 32 of you will have sponsored 1 each giving you a total team of 64

So, with us sponsoring one person per month into each of our two businesses and each of those people duplicating us, we now have 2 teams of 64 = 128 people divided by the two businesses. This compares with focussing on just one business when we would have 729 people after the same time. 729 or 128; its a “no brainer”!

3. The comparison described above is actually being over generous regarding the results that we could expect from running two networks. Let me explain: how do you think your team members would perceive your commitment level to their opportunity, when you are clearly involved with another opportunity? If your commitment is diluted, their commitment will be diluted also. If you don’t have the belief that their network is the best, why should they? If you did believe that their network was the best, you would be totally (and exclusively) focussed on building it.

4. If you think that you can keep one network a secret from the other, then you would be deceitful and delusional. If you are “networking” effectively, you are telling the world what you are doing and not hiding what you are doing from anybody.

5. To convey to prospective team members just how good an opportunity is we need to communicate with conviction. To communicate in that way we have to be truly convinced ourselves that the opportunity that we are presenting is the very best; and there cannot be more than one “best”. We have to identify the best opportunity and focus all of our attention on building that one business.

So that explains a few reasons why focussing on one MLM works best. For more information and our FREE Home Business Report check out

Earn money working from home

It was around twelve years ago that my husband was made redundant and we found ourselves in a position where we felt the bottom had dropped out of our world.

We started to look for a genuine earn money working from home opportunity where we could work for ourselves and never have to answer to a boss ever again or be put in the position of being redundant again. So we searched high and low to find something we could do that could earn us an ever growing income and the stability we were looking for.

After a great deal of research we came across an opportunity that at first we thought was too good to be true, but we kept an open mind and did even more research on the company; the track record, how they could afford to pay such high incomes and also

what support was available. How could we achieve brand new free cars and also travel the world with all expenses paid - was this all for real? We soon found that all earnings were documented and for all to see. There was no face to face selling, and proof of turnover was also available in black and white. It was a genuine British company that has been trading successfully for over 86 years and a company that has traded in profit even through the wars years.

It was also fantastic that we could work from home together and start building a great future for ourselves and our young family at the time. Another great thing was anyone can do it regardless of any qualifications or past backgrounds and any one from any walk of life could do this with full training and support available at all times.


If you like what you see click here for further details.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Home based business opportunities.

Home based business opportunities.

With such a vast array of work from home based business opportunities being advertised it makes sense to go through a step by step process to establish which opportunity is right for you. What suits one person may not suit another, but there are a number of logical steps that I believe should be applied in most cases.

Step 1. Keep an open mind. There may be much more to an opportunity than we think. Certain business concepts and brand names conjure up images based on very limited information or preconceived ideas. We have to investigate an opportunity properly before we can make an informed decision.

Step 2. Does the Company supply products or services to genuine consumers that have no connection to the business opportunity? If there are customers that just want to buy the products or services this is likely to be a genuine and sustainable business. If on the other hand the only "customers" are the distributors themselves (or their friends and family) you may want to ask the question: why?

Step 3. Are the products or services likely to be in demand for the long-term or are they just a passing fad? It may be that there is a short-term income opportunity with a passing fad but if you are looking for a business opportunity that will provide for you for many years then it makes sense to select an opportunity that is likely to have a demand for its products or services for the long term.

Step 4. Is there a simple, proven system for moving products or services to the market? This is a fundamental requirement for the success of any business. Are you required to persuade family and friends to buy your products or services? Would you be happy to do that?  

Step 5. If someone is offering you an opportunity and claiming that you will earn money from it, it's reasonable and logical to ask: "What are you earning from it?" If they tell you, then it's also reasonable to ask to see some evidence. If they are not prepared to tell you and provide any evidence; ask yourself why not?

Step 6. Ask what their sales figures are each month and again, ask for evidence. If there is no business turnover; there is no business!

Step 7. Are you required to make a substantial investment? Generally, home based business opportunities require a small investment, maybe a few hundred pounds for equipment and materials necessary to work the business, but if you are required to invest heavily be very cautious. It's also important to understand where your money goes and precisely what you get for it. If the person that recruits you into the business gets a payment directly as a result of recruiting you; be very careful as it may even be an illegal scheme. The person recruiting you should only benefit when you, as the new joiner starts to move products or services yourself i.e. they are benefitting by helping you to earn money. This way they have a vested interest in your success; a fundamental element of an ethical business opportunity.

Step 8. Not all, but most ethical business opportunities will be members of the DSA (Direct Selling Association) and whilst this does not represent any guarantee, member companies are required to operate within specific guidelines.

Step 9. If the opportunity that you are considering has a team-building element to it, check to see that there is a clearly defined system and infrastructure to support you with this. You need to be sure that this is in place and that the person and/or team that you are considering joining with, is competent to train and coach you in this respect. Within any given Company the people that you join with can have a huge impact on your business; choose carefully!

Step 10. Seek out all of the information that you need to properly evaluate a business opportunity and then make a well informed decision based on the facts. Find someone within a specific opportunity that is being successful and go through the steps 1 to 9 above with them. Many people will ask those close to them for their opinion but it's important to ask ourselves how they are qualified to comment. You may even find someone that has failed in the opportunity that you are considering and these people often have an opinion that they want to share with you! If you want to be a success it makes sense to speak with successful people.

These ten simple steps will go a long way to ensuring that you choose the right opportunity with the right people. This has been compiled after many years experience in a home based business and I sincerely hope that it helps others to find what is right for them. We love the opportunity that we started on a part-time basis that subsequently allowed us to quit the rat-race, and would welcome any enquiries via

Is it important to have a local sponsor in my Multi Level Marketing business?

Many people look for their most local sponsor to join their opportunity with. This article looks at the significance of having a local sponsor and how this can effect the growth in their business.

A lot of people when they are looking to start a new Multi Level Marketing business look for a sponsor that lives near them in the belief that they will get the best support if they join with somebody local to them. This is perfectly logical when looking at just a restricted aspect of what a sponsor should do for their team members. The benefits of having a local sponsor include:

  1. Meeting up prior to getting started helps to build rapport and hopefully gives the new joiner confidence in their potential sponsor. This meeting allows both parties to assess each other in a way that only a face to face meeting ca.
  2. Once started in the business it is convenient for a sponsor and team member to get together for training purposes.
  3. There are more opportunities to socialise together.
  4. When travelling long distances to events it may be practical to travel together.

These are the benefits which are actually just a bonus; the most important thing when choosing a sponsor is to find out whether they know what they are doing, they are able and willing to teach what they are doing and that they head-up or belong to a team that has full training and support. A local sponsor that does not know what they are doing or that is not actually doing it is of very little help.

A long distance sponsor that knows what they are doing and is practising what they preach can provide all the help, support and encouragement that anyone would ever need. With modern communications the long distance sponsor has access to:

o      Telephones and Mobile ‘phones

o      Free phone calls on-line even international calls with Skype

o      Voice Messaging systems

o      Conference calls and three way calls

o      Email

o      Instant messaging

o      Video trainings

o      Webinars

o      Remote computer control

o      Social networking

o      Websites and blogs

o      Post

All of these facilities mean that it is now entirely convenient for a sponsor to support their team and for their team to communicate with them very efficiently and effectively.

Once a new team member has shown commitment by taking action and communicating by any or all of the above methods it is good to meet up to put a face to the voice. This normally occurs at the bigger events, so it is important to promote and attend these events not just for the formal trainings but for meeting team members.

The new joiner that insists on a local sponsor is really jeopardising their chances of success because they are effectively limiting their own team building to a local area. If they feel that they cannot receive adequate support from a long distance sponsor, then clearly they won’t be able to provide adequate support to far-off team members. It is important therefore to join with a sponsor that is working a business building system that knows no geographical boundaries.

Inevitably sponsors tend to have a nucleus of team members that are local to them because for most people their friends, family and former colleagues tend to be local and it’s normally these people that are the first to join their business. This means that when team building further down the line the sponsor will be looking for key people to work with in other locations to help to develop their network further afield. This can be a real benefit to that team member that becomes the nucleus in another region.

So, in summary, having a local sponsor is just a minor bonus, while the priority has to be to select a sponsor that is part of a good team, with the right system and support that is walking the walk and being successful themselves. For further details of the writers business opportunity take a look at