Sunday 31 July 2011

HSBC redundancies

Reuters have reported that HSBC will be laying off thousands more employees due to the poor economic recovery and tougher banking regulations. It’s reported that these cuts will save HSBC around £9million.

With banks reporting multi-billion pound losses there are many changes set to take place in the banking sector, with job security for bankers nothing more than a distant memory. Whatever bank the employees work for, this latest round of HSBC redundancies has the employees facing a very uncertain future.

With the whole global economic melt-down, employment in most sectors is very insecure and is leading more and more redundant workers to turn to working for themselves in their own home based business. For one story of redundancy to successful home based self-employment visit   

Thursday 28 July 2011

Free Holidays

It’s that time of year when many people are setting off on their holidays and paying a fortune for the privilege.  Of course holidays are important to most people and many people spend a substantial proportion of their income on their holidays.  There is however one way that we are familiar with of getting a five star exotic holiday free of charge. So if free holidays are of interest to you; read on.

Over recent years  we have enjoyed free holidays to Cairns in Australia, Monte Carlo (twice), Sun City South Africa,  Athens, Sydney, Budapest, Mauritius and we are now looking forward to our next all expenses paid trip, this time to New York staying at the world famous Waldorf Astoria. All these trips have been staying at the very best hotels. Our two favourite hotels have been “The Palace” in Sun City and  “Le Touessrok” right on the beach of The Indian Ocean in Mauritius. More importantly, we have also helped others to get a total of nearly fifty free holidays.

Not only have these free holidays been staying in some of the world’s finest hotels in some of the most exotic locations, but all meals, entertainment, flights and transfers have been included too. Better than that you get to travel and spend quality time with some very special people too. In case you are wondering, you do not have to spend even a nanosecond with a timeshare salesman! So how is this all possible?

To find out how you too could be going on an all-expenses paid trip to a dream destination, click here.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Jobs for Postal Workers

Yet more jobs are to be cut for Postal Workers in the UK as the Royal Mail management plan to axe half of the remaining mail centres. Since 2002 the Royal Mail has cut a whopping 65,000 jobs and they have not finished cutting yet. While this number of redundancies are not concentrated in a particular area of the country it has not had a dramatic (and headline grabbing) effect on any particular community, but for the individuals concerned it can be devastating.

So what opportunities are there for redundant postmen and postwomen? What are the opportunities in terms of Jobs for Postal Workers? In such a fiercely competitive jobs market it is tough for anybody to get a new job. The reality is that being unemployed does not help when applying for a job as many employers like to see the candidates for their job already in employment.

The good news is that there is an alternative. It’s an alternative that for many is far better than being employed as a postal worker. Working for the Royal Mail for most does not pay very well and has even less perks so an alternative that can offer an immediate income with the potential of a very large income and perks that include cars and exotic foreign travel should appeal. There are opening all over the UK; where there is a redundant postal workers we are looking for people.

We need people that are prepared to keep an open mind and look at an opportunity outside of normal employment (as postal workers can confirm there is nothing secure about conventional employment) and are prepared to learn and be trained by others that are already being successful.

For more information check out and look at alternative jobs for postal workers.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Jobs for those over 50

The UK Direct Selling Association has reported a 29% increase in the number of people that are aged over 50 that are now working in the field of direct sales.  Of the 400,000 people in the UK working in the field of Direct Sales, 120,000 are aged over 50. This is an increase from 93,000 a year ago.

With high unemployment, the employers have a larger than normal pool of people to recruit from and the over fifties often find themselves competing with much younger candidates which are often recruited in preference to the more experienced applicants. The result of this can be that people open their mind to an alternative career or lifestyle choice. Quite often this re-evaluation can be the first carefully considered career choice since leaving school with the result being that people find the niche that suits them better than what they had been doing for the previous thirty years.

The term “Direct Selling” may conjure up the image of the foot-in-the-door salesman but in most cases nothing could be further from the truth. There are a companies that market their products via a catalogue, such as Kleeneze where the direct seller can generate the sales by distributing and collecting catalogues. When the catalogues are collected back a few days after distributing them, some people will have written out an order. The Kleeneze Distributor will collect the catalogue from the customers doorstep and receive their order without even having met the customer! This is not low pressure sales; this is no pressure sales.

Some of the key benefits of working in the direct sales industry that the over fifties particularly value include: 

Having no boss.

Being self-employed.

Having time freedom.

Meeting other people.

Being based from home.

Having the potential for a substantial income.

Having the potential for a residual income. (particularly significant to those over 50 with inadequate pension provision)

Clearly not all of these benefits apply to all opportunities within direct sales. For further information about an opportunity that offers all of this and much more, including cars and exotic holidays just visit